R4 SDHC Renovation V2.10T/V2.20T

R4 SDHC Renovation V2.10T/V2.20T



These are DEMON DSTTi-based clones. These differ from other DEMON clones by loading part of the firmware from a _DS_MENU.DAT file, after which acts like a standard DEMON clone that looks for R4.DAT and shows MENU? if it is missing. If _DS_MENU.DAT is missing, the cart will simply boot to a white screen.

Setup Instructions (YSMenu)

  1. Format the SD card you are using to FAT32
  2. Download RetroGameFan YSMenu Fork 7.06
  3. Extract the YSMenu .7z you downloaded using 7-zip or similar, then go into the DSTTi-Clone YSMenu folder.
  4. From this folder, copy the following files/folders to your SD card root.
    • Games folder
    • TTMenu folder
    • TTMenu.dat
  5. Download DEMON YSMenu flashcard-bootstrap.
  6. Download R4 V2.10T/V2.20T boot file.
  7. Copy R4.dat to the root of your SD card.
  8. Copy _DS_MENU.DAT to the root of your SD card.
  9. Place any .nds game ROMs you’d like to play into the Games folder.