Acekard R.P.G.

Acekard R.P.G.



The Acekard R.P.G. is unique in that it has both NAND storage and a microSD card slot. Using a mini USB cable, you can transfer files to the carts NAND and use it without a microSD card. The NAND capacity is 1GB which is quite small, you may have to use a microSD card if you intend on storing many files on it.

The Acekard R.P.G. was one of the carts officially supported by the Wood kernel, we would recommend using WoodRPG 1.62 over AKAIO or AKMenu4.

Setup Instructions (Wood RPG 1.62)

  1. Format the SD card you are using to FAT32
  2. Download Wood RPG 1.62
  3. Extract the Wood RPG 1.62 .zip file to your SD card root.
  4. Place any .nds game ROMs you’d like to play into a folder of your choice which isn’t the __rpg folder.
    • (Optional) You may want to create a Games folder to store your ROMs in to keep the root of your SD card organised.